Orion Medical Supplies Ltd are specialist suppliers of injecting equipment, associated paraphernalia and bespoke kits to the Harm Reduction Market.
We work with Public Health, Commissioners and Charitable bodies providing a complete solution covering needle syringe provision. This includes provision of loose paraphernalia such as needles, syringes and pharmaceutical grade acidifiers and bespoke kits for pharmacy schemes. We also provide a fully managed needle exchange waste collection service.
Orion medical Supplies Ltd have been supplying products and services to the Harm Reduction market for over 15 years. During this time Orion have played a key role in driving improvements in product quality, innovative design and development of new products. We have increased the competitiveness of the market which has resulted in lower pricing and service improvements.
Orion are totally committed to supplying and supporting Public Health, NHS and other Charitable bodies that are involved directly in commissioning or delivering services with particular emphasis on Needle Syringe provision.
We are specialists with a total focus on delivering the very best value for money that will help budgets stretch further and achieve more. Orion has a team of people who are passionate and go that extra step to ensure a positive experience and outcome for all our customers.

Orion Medical Supplies Ltd Dedicated packing facility,
fully stocked large warehouse and offices.
If you would like to visit our premises
please contact Gareth@orionmedical.co.uk